Saturday, September 4, 2010


10 inventions...

1. I think that this inventions are the most important, but is supposed that too exist, things very important. I could change nuclear thechnology, for the metro, the underground or something same, the massive transport, is come necessary for our lives, is not only the car, is all, the metro is something that past a city, minimize the way. Minimize the effort.

2. *The first bulb: I think that this invent is one of the most important in the world, becouse, although is more comfort and carefull the fire, how in the past, the bulb light, is more lasting.

*A mono bike: I think that this is more luxurious, or for attraction, because is some that the human make very good, but is not essential in our lives.

*Printing press: Is not the must important, but is a creation help very well to the people, altough is some that seat to the mediocrity.

* A butter stick: Ugh!! Is only ridiculous some like this not causes desire.

* The first belt: Is some very creative, and innovative but is not necessary, is limited for the a type public.

* The vision station: Is some exelent, for the people that wats chages continuously, but is not important, and is perjudical for the health.

3. The videos contain the inventions the first was the first invention of humenas, some were very important, for the world.

The second was about a stupid invention, that gas a lot creativity, but was not used for nothing, that can show as a best future.
The third video, show inventions but it was not the beginning, was a new mood, was a advance of the necessary.


* The butter stick! Because is very stupid, so ridiculous.

*Electric chair: Because, I think that is bad kill to some ins'nt important your change.
* The Blackberry, Is not worst, but is some that make that people, leave expressions, don't learn to be emotive, know a good vocabulary.

*The internet ! Is some very exeptional, is very necessary now, because help the people to express more, better and quikly.
* The car because, the car hepl us to reduce the way, and to lead some things that don't can lead us simply walking or in a animal.

*The cellphone, is a old invention, but is a innovation, and a big advance,very very big. Because the people can communicate with others in a anywhere.

3. I think that was, and continue be important, all time ever always has been, necessary and useful, because the inventions, are being renovated, improved constructed ever time.

look around at my convenience, starting from what already exists, to what we do not have.


Is a star, with gamus in the center. Clean all, because is automatically and work with a button.

6. I think that ever, the inventions, going to facilitates the work of individuals, the will make efforts eraser. But my view is that if there is anithing that helps us in the end they will invent things to do for us all, and if this happens people will turn to be some body mediocry worth for your self.

7. The truth is that I lknow only two, inventors that are:

*Alfonso Caicedo: Sets the sophrology bases.
* Jorge Reynolds Pombo: Invent a first external artificial pacemarker internal electrodes.

8. I would buy the computer last generation, and would give money to invent a way to render food and is not necessary in sush quantities that the pour can survive.

9. I think that the people are going to be damaged by these inventions that are going to keep losing the habits, schedules and many now even restain aspects.


*Inventors: Is the people that create, objects, necessary, persons that see a need, and use your intelligent, and capacity.

* Inventions: Are the things, built by the inventors and is a innovation.


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